The End of the Line in Prague

I’ve been to a lot of places in my travels. That’s not a boast. Well, okay, it’s not just a boast. Well, okay, it is just a boast. Read more…

31 Reasons Semana Santa in Seville is Amazing

Semana Santa or Holy Week is an annual festival during the lead up to Easter Weekend, and the one in Seville is famous for being, you know, really good. Read more…

Owl mountains - Gory Sowie

Into the (Slightly) Wild – Hiking in the Owl Mountains

As we hiked up into the wooded foothills of the Owl Mountains of Poland, I turned to look back on the town of Bielawa.

“The problem with this kind of hiking,” I said, “is that it just makes me hanker for more exotic places.”

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Worst. Pitch. Ever.

How to Give a Terrible Pitch in 23 Easy Steps [VIDEO]

I recently gave this performance at the Tech Saturdays startup event in Wroclaw, Poland. They wanted me to do a deliberately bad pitch as a way of showing people some of the things to avoid. Read more…

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood...

Theodore Roosevelt

Come to Innsmouth! See the Shadow Over It!

It’s the best travel book I’ve read in ages, and it’s not even a travel book.

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Shame on You! Singapore Transport Etiquette

Wherever you travel to, there are always cultural mores you have to adapt to. Understanding the dos and don’ts is an important part of acclimatising to any new location. But if you’re going to Singapore you had better watch out, especially if you plan to drive a car or use the public transport.

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Hiking in the Tatra Mountains

After the melodrama of a neck injury so serious that it took me nearly a whole day to recover, it was time to finally go hiking in the Tatra National Park.
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Tatra Mountains (Gallery)

It wasn’t the greatest day for photography, but here are a few images from my day of hiking in the Tatra Mountains.

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Many are prepared to suffer for their art. Few are prepared to learn to draw.

Simon Munnery