Semana Santa in Seville (Gallery)

I was lucky enough to be in Seville for the annual Semana Santa (Holy Week) festivities last year. This despite a fairly idiotic plan to try and leave town.

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Semana Santa in Seville – Knowing When to Stop Work

I never had any intention of hanging round for Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Seville last year. I was all set to leave town for the week so I could keep working. Thankfully, I changed my mind.

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The Best Social Networks for Meeting People Abroad

Social networks and travel go hand in hand.

There’s nothing better when you’re in an exciting new country than spending six hours of the day in a darkened room uploading images showing what a great time you’re having.

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The Artist Date

What do you think of when you hear the phrase ‘Artist Date’?

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Action expresses priorities

Mahatma Ghandi

The Big Thaw

It started as a slow dripping sound a few days ago. I was in the central, perspex-roofed atrium of the hostel and whilst the noise was clear the source wasn’t.

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Wroclaw in the Snow (Gallery)

I like Wroclaw in the snow. I’ve mentioned that in a previous post. Here are a few snaps to give you a feel for what it’s like, without having to endure the whole slipping-and-falling-on-your-arse thing.

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Winter in Wroclaw

People think it’s a bit odd to go to somewhere like Poland in winter. But actually it makes a lot of sense for reasons I’ll go into at a later stage. It’s true that it’s a mite chilly, though.

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