I was lucky enough to be in Seville for the annual Semana Santa (Holy Week) festivities last year. This despite a fairly idiotic plan to try and leave town.
Semana Santa in Seville – Knowing When to Stop Work
I never had any intention of hanging round for Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Seville last year. I was all set to leave town for the week so I could keep working. Thankfully, I changed my mind.
The Big Thaw
It started as a slow dripping sound a few days ago. I was in the central, perspex-roofed atrium of the hostel and whilst the noise was clear the source wasn’t.
Wroclaw in the Snow (Gallery)
I like Wroclaw in the snow. I’ve mentioned that in a previous post. Here are a few snaps to give you a feel for what it’s like, without having to endure the whole slipping-and-falling-on-your-arse thing.
Winter in Wroclaw
People think it’s a bit odd to go to somewhere like Poland in winter. But actually it makes a lot of sense for reasons I’ll go into at a later stage. It’s true that it’s a mite chilly, though.
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