The journey to the coast…
The barrio which was my home during the carnival. Loveable in a don’t-carry-anything-of-value kind of way.
A live band playing some Puya
Plástico – Ruben Blades
Day one proper of Carnival.
El Garabato – the one where they’re having a bit of a tussle with Death. Going from the Seventh Seal, the other approach is to play him (her?) at chess, which is just as valid, although probably slightly less watchable.
Walking back after the first main day of Carnival. Probably not the wisest choice I’ve made in my life given the distance involved, the barrios I had to pass through, and the fact that it took so long that night fell, but I got away with it somehow.
Not exactly a Carnival tune, but this track was playing absolutely everywhere, and was undoubtedly one of the tracks of Carnival that year: El Celular by Yao & Zaa:
My tormentors in chief – the band in the palco:
More of Carnival. What can I say – there’s a lot of it. Once they’ve started partying, there’s very little that can stop them:
Shakira in her earlier days. This song was my introduction to the subjunctive many years ago. “Suerte que mis pechos sean pequenos…”
My single favourite photograph of Carnival. I think I was fully zoomed and then someone walked in front with a papier mache head: